Article Figures & Data
Variables n (%) Age 18-25 100 (33.1) 26-35 130 (43.0) 36-45 48 (15.9) 46-55 18 (6.0) 56-65 5 (1.7) ≥ 66 1 (0.3) Gender Male 181 (59.9) Female 121 (40.1) Nationality Saudi 287 (95.0) Non-Saudi 15 (5.0) Education level Illiterate 2 (0.7) Intermediate 9 (3.0) Secondary 60 (19.9) University 175 (57.9) Higher Education 56 (18.5) Marital status Single 153 (50.7) Married 137 (45.4) Divorced 12 (4.0) Widower 0 (0) Occupational status Student 85 (28.1) Employee 149 (49.3) Self-employed 13 (4.3) Retired 4 (1.3) Unemployed 51 (16.9) - Table 2
Frequency of psychotropic medications used as reported by participants during the last 4 weeks. (N=302)
Medications n (%) Escitalopram 96 (31.8) Fluoxetine 70 (23.2) Paroxetine 66 (21.9) Propranolol 53 (17.5) Mirtazapine 37 (12.3) Pregabalin 37 (12.3) Clozapine 29 (9.6) Quetiapine 28 (9.3) Venlafaxine 21 (7.0) Fluvoxamine 17 (5.6) Clomipramine 14 (4.6) Lamotrigine 11 (3.6) Olanzapine 9 (3.0) Others 64 (21.2) - Table 3
Reasons underlying use of psychotropic medications without a prescription (N=302).
Variables n (%) Symptoms are not serious 128 (42.4) High cost of psychiatric clinics 86 (28.5) Lack of trust in psychiatrists 68 (22.5) Lack of time 68 (22.5) Unavailability of medical services near residence 58 (19.2) Crowded psychiatric clinics 56 (18.5) Previous visits to a psychiatrist were not helpful 56 (18.5) Fear of community judgment regarding visiting a psychiatric clinic 56 (18.5) Transportation difficulties 34 (11.3) Others 20 (6.6) - Table 4
Analysis of reasons underlying use of psychotropic medications without a prescription and related factors in the study population. (N=302)
Variables Previous visits were not helpful Lack of time My symptoms are not serious Fear of community judgment Unavailability of medical services Transportation difficulties P-value Age NS NS NS NS NS NS Gender NS 0.029 NS NS NS 0.000 Education level NS NS NS NS NS NS Marital status 0.046 0.021 NS NS NS 0.014 Occupational status NS NS NS 0.034 NS 0.043 Health insurance NS NS NS NS NS NS Chronic disease NS NS NS NS NS NS Psychiatric illness 0.001 NS 0.000 NS NS NS Time of usage NS 0.038 NS NS NS NS PHQ score NS NS NS NS NS NS GAD score NS NS NS NS NS NS PHQ - Patient Health Questionnaire, GAD - Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-item, NS - not statistically significant
- Table 5
Analysis of PHQ-9 and GAD-7 scale results with demographic data of the study population, using psychotropic medications without a prescription. (N=302)
Variables PHQ score GAD score (<10 Versus ≥10) P-value Age NS NS Gender NS NS Education level NS 0.050 Marital status NS NS Occupational status NS NS Health insurance NS NS Chronic disease NS NS Psychiatric illness NS NS Time of usage NS NS PHQ-9 - the 9-item Patient Health Questionnaire, GAD-7- the 7-item Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale, NS - Not statistically significant