Article Figures & Data
Variables Median (min-max) OR (95% CI) Age (years) 53.5 (24-65) Gender (male/female) 13/15 Height (cm) 165.5 (153-181) Weight (kg) 70 (40-103) BMI (kg/m2) 25.00 (16.07-36.26) Disease duration (years) 4 (1-18) The MGCS score 10 (0-26) Fatigue severity (VAS) 5 (0-10) MG - Myasthenia gravis, OR - odds ratio, CI - confidence interval, BMI - body mass index, MGCS - myastenia gravis composite scale, VAS - visual analog scale
- Table 2
Pulmonary functions, strength and endurance of respiratory muscles and parameters of 6 minute walk test in patients with MG (n=28).
Variables Mean±SD FEV1 (%) 74.72±17.93 FVC (%) 71.60±16.71 FEV1/FVC 85.32±7.72 VC (%) 75.54±15.36 MIP (cmH2O) 81.86±22.85 %MIP 92.90±22.29 MEP (cmH2O) 90.21±37.49 %MEP 85.36±35.59 6MWD (m) 459.32±87.58 %6MWD 80.08±16.93 6MWW 32599.34±8112.72 %Maximal HR 67.23±12.85 ∆HR (beats/min) 27.29±18.38 ∆SpO2 (%) -0.64±1.59 ∆General fatigue (modified borg) Median (min-max) 3 (0-10) Respiratory muscle endurance time (sec) Median (min-max) 42.5 (11-180) SD - standard deviation, MG - Myasthenia gravis, FEV1 - forced expiratory volume in one second, FVC - forced vital capacity, VC - vital capacity, MIP - maximal inspiratory pressure, MEP - maximal expiratory pressure, 6MWD - 6 minute walk test distance, 6MWW - six minute walk work, HR - heart rate, SpO2 - oxygen saturation.
- Table 3
The correlations between clinical status, pulmonary functions, respiratory muscle strength and functional capacity in patients with MG (n=28).
Variables Fatigue severity (VAS) FEV1 (%) FVC (%) FEV1/FVC (%) VC (%) 6MWD %6MWD 6MWW The MGCS score r=0.520* r=-0.552* r=-0.558* r=-0.546* r=-0.600* r=-0.464* r=-0.466* FVC (%) r=0.415* MIP r=0.586* r=0.377* MEP r=0.510* r=0.405* %MIP r=0.588* r=0.403* %MEP r=0.689* MG - Myasthenia gravis, MGCS - myastenia gravis composite scale, VAS - visual analog scale, FEV1 - forced expiratory volume in one second, FVC - forced vital capacity, VC - vital capacity, MIP - maximal inspiratory pressure, MEP - maximal expiratory pressure, 6MWD - 6 minute walk test distance, 6MWW - six minute walk work, HR - heart rate,
↵* p<0.05 Spearman correlation test.
Variables in the model R R2 Adjusted R2 SE of the estimate B SE P-value %MIP, MEP, %MEP, The MGCS score 0.754 0.568 0.493 12.056 56.186 14.167 0.001 MEP, %MEP, The MGCS score 0.748 0.560 0.505 11.917 63.408 9.080 <0.001 %MEP, The MGCS score 0.731 0.535 0.498 11.999 61.704 9.022 <0.001 %MEP 0.702 0.493 0.473 12.285 51.566 6.128 <0.001 Dependent variable: %6MWD, Independent variables: MEP, %MEP, %MIP, the MGCS, MGCS - myastenia gravis composite scale, MIP - maximal inspiratory pressure, MEP - Maximal expiratory pressure, SE - standard error, R2=0.493, F(1-27)=25.275, p<0.001, constant=51.566.