Article Figures & Data
Characteristics Schizophrenia n=118 Bipolar disorder n=100 Gender n (%) Female 31 (26.3) 58 (58) Male 87 (73.7) 42 (42) Treatment resistance No 92 (77.9) 76 (76) Yes 26 (22.1) 24 (24) MBL2 AA 87 (73.7) 73 (73) AB 23 (19.5) 22 (22) BB 8 (6.8) 5 (5) Median Median (min-max) Age 41(22-64) 40.5(19-64) Age of onset (year) 22(5-60) 24(10-52) Duration of dis. (year) 15.5(1-45) 15(0.5-40) Number of Hospt. 2(0-30) 2(0-21) Last Hospt. (years ago) 4(0.1-45) 2(0.1-38) min - minimum, max - maximum, dis - disease, hospt-hospitalization
Schizophrenia Median(min-max) PANSS pos. 11(7-24) PANSS neg. 16(7-33) PANSS psycho. 30(17-54) PANSS total 58(33-102) SATCI 14(0-18) CGI sev. 5(3-7) CGI imp. 2(1-4) Bipolar Disorder Median(min-max) Manic episode 2(0-25) Dep. episode 1(0-12) Total episode 4(1-27) HAM-D 9(0-34) YMRS 6(0-38) CGI sev. 5(2-7) CGI imp. 2(1-4) min - minimum, max - maximum, PANSS - positive and negative syndrome scale, SATCI - schedule for assessing the three components of insight, CGI - clinical global impression scale, HAM-D - hamilton depression rating scale, YMRS - young mania rating scale, pos - positive, neg - negative, psycho - psychopathology, sev - severity, imp - improvement, dep - depressive, hist - history, cyc - cycling, postpart - postpartum
Genotype Schizophrenia Control OR 95% CI P-value MBL2 n= a(%) n=100 (%) AA 87 (73.7) 64 (64) 1.579* 0.885-2.816* 0.121* AB 23 (19.5) 35 (35) 0.450* 0.243-0.830* 0.010* BB 8 (6.8) 1 (1) 1.689& 1.297-2.200& 0.041& Allele A 197 (83.5) 163 (81.5) B 39 (16.5) 37 (18.5) 1.147& 0.699-1.882& 0.588& Bipolar Dis. MBL2 n= b(%) n=100 (%) AA 73 (73) 64 (64) 1.521* 0.834-2.775* 0.171* AB 22 (22) 35 (35) 0.532* 0.284-0.995* 0.047* BB 5 (5) 1 (1) 5.211& 0.598-45.426& 0.212& Allele A 168 (84) 163 (81.5) B 32 (16) 37 (18.5) 1.192* 0.709-2.004* 0.508* - Table 4
- Comparison of MBL2 genotype distributions of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder patients with the same gender control group.
Genotype Schizophrenia Control OR 95% CI P-value Male n=a (%) n=46 (%) AA 68 (78.2) 31 (67.4) 1.732* 0.779-3.851* 0.176* AB 17 (19.5) 15 (32.6) 0.450* 0.243-0.830* 0.094* BB 2 (2.3) 0 (0) 1.541& 1.359-1.748& 0.544& Allele A 153 (87.9) 77 (83.3) B 21 (12.1) 15 (16.7) 1.419* 0.693-2.907* 0.337* Female n=b(%) n=54 (%) AA 19 (61.3) 33 (61.1) 1.008* 0.407-2.494* 0.987* AB 6 (19.4) 20 (37) 0.408* 0.143-1.164* 0.089* BB 6 (19.4) 1 (1.9) 12.720& 1.453-111.378& 0.009& Allele A 44 (71) 86 (79.6) B 18 (29) 22 (20.4) 0.625* 0.304-1.286* 0.200* Bipolar Dis. Male n=c(%) n=46 (%) AA 31 (73.8) 31 (67.4) 1.364* 0.541-3.434* 0.510* AB 8 (19) 15 (32.6) 0.486* 0.181-1.304* 0.148* BB 3 (7.1) 0 (0) 2.179& 1.730-2.746& 0.105& Allele A 70 (83.3) 77 (83.3) B 14 (16.7) 15 (16.7) 0.974& 0.439-2.161& 0.948& Female n= d(%) n=54 (%) AA 42 (72.4) 33 (61.1) 1.670* 0.755-3.696* 0.204* AB 14 (24.1) 20 (37) 0.541* 0.239-1.224* 0.138* BB 2 (3.4) 1 (1.9) 1.893& 0.167-21.494& 1.000& Allele A 98 (84.5) 86 (79.6) B 18 (15.5) 22 (20.4) 1.393* 0.701-2.768* 0.343* - Table 5
- Comparison of MBL2 genotype distributions of patients due to the resistance to treatment and clinical specifiers.
No Yes OR 95% CI P-value Treatment Resist. Schizophrenia MBL2 n= a(%) n=26 (%) AA 66 (71.7) 21 (80.8) 0.604* 0.206-1.772* 0.356* AB 22 (23.9) 1 (3.8) 7.857* 1.006-61.363* 0.023* BB 4 (4.4) 4 (14.8) 0.284& 0.066-1.218& 0.093& Allele A 154 (84.1) 43 (81.5) B 30 (15.9) 9 (18.5) 1.074* 0.474-2.435* 0.863* Bipolar Dis. MBL2 n=b(%) n=24 (%) AA 51 (67.1) 22 (91.7) 0.185* 0.040-0.852* 0.018* AB 21 (27.6) 1 (4.2) 8.782* 1.114-69.197* 0.016* BB 4 (5.3) 1 (4.2) 1.278& 0.136-12.015& 1.000& Allele A 123 (80.9) 45 (93.8) B 29 (19.1) 3 (6.3) 0.283* 0.082-0.974* 0.035* Atypical Depres./Bipolar Dis. MBL2 n=c(%) n=20 (%) AA 55 (68.8) 18 (90) 0.244* 0.053-1.135* 0.056* AB 20 (25) 2 (10) 3.000& 0.639-14.079& 0.228& BB 5 (6.3) 0 (0) 1.267& 1.142-1.405& 0.580& Allele A 130 (81.2) 38 (95) B 30 (18.8) 2 (5) 0.228* 0.052-0.998* 0.034* - Table 6
- Comparison of scale scores and clinical parameters according to MBL2 genotype in patients with bipolar disorder.
AA AB/BB **P-value Median (min-max) Median (min-max) HAM-D score 10(0-34) 9(2-25) 0.479 YMRS score 4(0-38) 7(0-28) 0.207 CGI sev. 5(2-7) 5(3-7) 0.698 CGI imp. 2(1-4) 2(1-4) 0.847 Manic episode 2(0-21) 3(1-25) 0.512 Dep. episode 1(0-12) 0(0-2) 0.042 Total episode 4(1-23) 3(1-27) 0.329 Duration of disease 15(1-40) 14(5-40) 0.721 Age of onset 24(13-44) 25(10-52) 0.457 Number of hospt. 2(0-21) 2(0-21) 0.576 ↵**Mann Whitney U test, min - minimum, max - maximum, CGI - clinical global impression scale, HAM-D - hamilton depression rating scale, YMRS - young mania rating scale, sev. - severity, imp - improvement, dep -depressive; hospt - hospitalization