Article Figures & Data
SCZ (N=127) n (%) Sex Female 35 (27.6) Male 92 (72.4) IL-2 GG 25 (19.7) GT 13 (10.2) TT 89 (70.1) 1L-2RA AA 22 (17.3) AG 104 (81.9) GG 1 (0.8) Mean±SD Age 40.86±10.70 Age of onset (year) 24.57±8.26 Duration of dis. (year) 16.11±9.52 Number of hospt 3.51±4.61 SCZ - schizophrenia, SD - standart deviation, dis. - disease, hospt. - hospitalization
- Table 2
- Comparison of frequencies of IL-2 (rs2069762) gene variants between patients with SCZ and healthy controls.
IL-2 Genotype SCZ Healthy control OR 95% CI P-value n= a (%) n=100 (%) Recessive GG 25 (19.7) 10 (10) 0.453* 0.207-0.995* 0.045* Over-dominant GT 13 (10.2) 12 (12) 0.836* 0.364-1.923* 0.673* Dominant TT 89 (70.1) 78 (78) 0.661* 0.360-1.212* 0.179* Additive GG vs TT 2.191* 0.991-4.846* 0.049* G 50 (19.7) 32 (16) T 204 (90.3) 168 (84) 1.287* 0.790-2.097* 0.311* - Table 3
- Comparison of frequencies of IL-2RA (rs2104286) gene variants between patients with SCZ and healthy controls.
IL-2RA Genotype SCZ Healthy control OR 95% CI P-value n= a (%) n=100 (%) Recessive AA 22 (17.3) 13 (13) 1.402* 0.668-2.945* 0.371* Over-dominant AG 104 (81.9) 86 (86) 0.736* 0.357-1.517* 0.405* Dominant GG 1 (0.8) 1 (1) 0.786& 0.049-12.719& 1.000& Additive AA vs GG 1.692& 0.097-29.413& 1.000& A 148 (58.3) 112 (56) G 106 (41.7) 88 (44) 1.097* 0.754-1.595* 0.628* - Table 4
- Interaction of IL-2 (rs2069762), and IL-2RA (rs2104286) polymorphisms on SCZ risk.
IL-2 (rs2069762) IL-2RA (rs2104286) SCZ (%) Control (%) OR (95%CI) P-value GT AG 9 (7.1) 10 (10.0) 0.686 (0.268 – 1.760)* 0.431* GT AA 4 (3.1) 2 (2.0) 1.593 (0.286 – 8.881)& 0.697& GT GG 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) - - TT AG 72 (56.7) 67 (67.0) 0.645 (0.374 – 1.112)* 0.114* TT AA 16 (12.6) 11 (11.0) 1.116 (0.515 – 2.639)* 0.712* TT GG 1 (0.8) 0 (0.0) 1.794 (1.597 – 2.015)* 1.000* GG AG 23 (18.1) 9 (9.0) 2.236 (0.984 – 5.079)* 0.050* GG AA 2 (1.6) 0 (0.0) 1.800 (1.601 – 2.023)& 0.505& GG GG 0 (0.0) 1 (1.0) 2.283 (1.969 – 2.642)& 0.441&