Article Figures & Data
Personal data No (%) Regions Central region 77 (20.2) Northern region 25 (6.6) Eastern region 123 (32.3) Western region 144 (37.8) Southern region 12 (3.1) Age in years <25 105 (27.6) 26–50 239 (62.7) 51–65 37 (9.7) Gender Male 150 (39.4) Female 231 (60.6) Marital status Single 199 (52.2) Married 182 (47.8) Educational level Below secondary 25 (6.6) Secondary 112 (29.4) University 214 (56.2) Post-graduate 30 (7.9) Employment Unemployed 186 (48.8) Employed 158 (41.5) Retired 37 (9.7) RSS-MS items Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always No (%) No (%) No (%) No (%) No (%) Felt that having MS1 was a punishment for things I had done in the past. 169 (44.4) 74 (19.4) 110 (28.9) 20 (5.2) 8 (2.1) Felt that people were avoiding me because of my MS 189 (49.6) 62 (16.3) 85 (22.3) 29 (7.6) 16 (4.2) Feared that I would lose my friends if they found out about having MS 206 (54.1) 50 (13.1) 76 (19.9) 33 (8.7) 16 (4.2) Felt like people that I know were treating me differently because of my MS 85 (22.3) 57 (15.0) 131 (34.4) 60 (15.7) 48 (12.6) Felt like people look down on me because I have MS 230 (60.4) 55 (14.4) 58 (15.2) 25 (6.6) 13 (3.4) Avoided dating because most people don’t want a relationship with someone with MS. 185 (48.6) 47 (12.3) 85 (22.3) 37 (9.7) 27 (7.1) Avoided a situation because I was worried about people knowing I have MS 150 (39.4) 46 (12.1) 120 (31.5) 33 (8.7) 32 (8.4) Was embarrassed about having MS 189 (49.6) 47 (12.3) 94 (24.7) 33 (8.7) 18 (4.7) Felt that keeping my MS a secret was important 105 (27.6) 47 (12.3) 93 (24.4) 63 (16.5) 73 (19.2) Overall score (Range; (Mean ± SD); % of maximum) 9-45 (20.0 ± 8.2); 44.4% MS - multiple sclerosis
Items Factor loading Felt that having MS1 was a punishment for things I had done in the past. .51 Felt that people were avoiding me because of my MS .78 Feared that I would lose my friends if they found out about having MS .89 Felt like people that I know were treating me differently because of my MS .70 Felt like people look down on me because I have MS .82 Avoided dating because most people don’t want a relationship with someone with MS. .77 Avoided a situation because I was worried about people knowing I have MS .80 Was embarrassed about having MS .81 Felt that keeping my MS a secret was important .55 Eigenvalue 4.9 Variance (cumulative) 54.8% MS - multiple sclerosis
Factors N RSS-MS scores P-value Mean SD Region .001* Central region 77 18.4 7.7 Northern region 25 25.5 10.0 Eastern region 123 17.3 7.2 Western region 144 22.2 8.1 Southern region 12 19.9 7.3 Age in years .001*^ < 25 105 23.3 8.8 26-50 239 18.0 7.3 51-65 37 23.7 7.8 Gender .604^ Male 150 20.3 7.8 Female 231 19.8 8.4 Marital status .011*^ Single 199 21.0 8.3 Married 182 18.9 8.0 Educational level .144 Below secondary 25 23.1 9.6 Secondary 112 20.5 8.7 University 214 19.4 7.8 Post-graduate 30 19.9 7.5 Employment .049* Unemployed 186 20.0 8.9 Employed 158 19.4 7.2 Retired 37 22.5 8.4