Article Figures & Data
- Table 1
Distribution of suicide probability scale, brief symptom inventory and ways of coping with stress inventory total and subscale scores.
Variables mean±SD Min-Max Suicide probability scale Total score 66.54±11.64 37 – 114 Hopelessness 22.12±5.49 12 – 45 Suicidal ideation 10.70±3.55 8 – 31 Negative self-evaluation 22.77±5.14 9 – 34 Hostility 10.93±3.49 7 – 27 Brief symptom inventory Total score 40.66±29.32 0–212 Anxiety 8.82±7.63 0 – 41 Depression 10.66±7.88 0 – 44 Negative self 7.73±7.23 0 – 46 Somatization 7.08±5.34 0 – 25 Hostility 6.35±4.93 0 – 26 Ways of coping with stress inventory Self-confident approach 13.55±3.82 0 – 21 Optimistic approach 9.21±2.84 0 – 15 Helpless approach 10.27±4.17 0 – 23 Submissive approach 7.75±2.65 0 – 15 Social support seeking approach 7.11±2.22 0 – 12 Suicide probability scale groups n (%) 0–24 no risk 0 (0.0) 25–49 mild risk 23 (4.9) 50–74 medium risk 351 (74.7) 75–100 high risk 96 (20.4) - Table 2
Correlations between suicide probability scale, ways of coping with stress inventory and brief symptom inventory.*
Variables 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 SPS Total score - Hopelessness .86** Suicidal ideation .70** .65** - Negative self-evaluation .34** -.01 -.24** - Hostility .77** .67** .64** -.08 - WCSI Self-confident approach -.02 -.15** -.36** .49** -.20** - Optimistic approach -.15** -.24** -.35** .37** -.32** .70** - Helpless approach .38** .48** .37** -.15** .35** -.08 -.12** - Submissive approach .23** .25** .20** .00 .15** .03 .15** .47** - Support seeking approach -.13** -.21** -.27** .26** -.22** .23** .21** -.19** -.17** - BSI Anxiety .65** .64** .66** -.12** .66** -.26** -.30** .37** .20** -.23** - Depression .60** .67** .62** -.15** .54** -.26** -.27** .42** .24** -.16** .83** - Negative self .66** .67** .73** -.16** .64** -.31** -.31** .37** .17** -.20** .85** .79** - Somatization .40** .43** .47** -.12** .38** -.16** -.12** .31** .22** -.11* .70** .71** .62** - Hostility .63** .60** .55** -.06 .69** -.15** -.24** .31** .11* -.17** .73** .68 .70** -.54** - 1 - SPS total, 2 - Hopelessness, 3 - Suicidal ideation, 4 - Negative self-evaluation, 5 - Hostility, 6 - Self-confident approach, 7 - Optimistic approach, 8 - Helpless approach, 9 - Submissive approach, 10 - Social support seeking approach, 11 - Anxiety, 12 - Depression, 13 - Negative self, 14 - Somatization, 15 - Hostility,
↵* p<0.05;
↵** p<0.01, SPS - Suicide probability scale, WCSI - Coping with Stress Inventory, BSI - Brief symptom inventory
Variables B SE ß t p-value BSI Anxiety 0.37 0.10 0.24 3.566 <0.001 Negative self 0.57 0.09 0.35 5.763 <0.001 Somatization -0.32 0.09 -0.14 -3.270 0.001 Hostility 0.60 0.11 0.25 5.417 <0.001 WCSI Self-confident approach 0.69 0.13 0.22 5.074 <0.001 Optimistic approach -0.34 0.19 -0.08 -1.808 0.071 Helpless approach 0.25 0.10 0.09 2.356 0.019 Submissive approach 0.36 0.16 0.08 2.221 0.027 ↵* R=0.74,
R2=0.55, Durbin-Watson, 1.752 (p<0.001), WCSI - Coping with Stress Inventory, BSI - Brief symptom inventory, SE - standard error