Article Figures & Data
Characteristics Mimics
(N=932)P-value Mean age±SD (years) 51±15 60±12 <0.0001 Female sex n(%) 70 (53.4) 309 (33.1) <0.0001 Medical history n(%) Ischemic heart disease 11 (8.5) 112 (12.4) 0.20 Arterial hypertension 56 (43.1) 645 (71.6) <0.0001 Diabetes mellitus 60 (45.8) 564 (62.6) 0.0005 Dyslipidemia 37 (28.5) 270 (29.9) 0.7 Body Mass Index (Mean±SD) 30±6 29±6 0.06 History of smoking 11 (8.5) 153 (17.0) 0.01 Previous ischemic stroke/TIA† 39 (30.0) 238 (26.4) 0.4 Median (IQR) time from onset to arrival — Min 660 (2760) 540 (1500) 0.2 mRS 0 — 1 before stroke n(%)* 106 (85.5) 806 (88.4) 0.4 Median (IQR) NIHSS score at admission** 2 (4) 5 (8) <0.0001 Treatment with tPA n(%) 3 (2.3) 76 (8.2) 0.01 Neurological symptoms n(%) Speech and language 29 (22.3) 369 (41.4) <0.0001 Motor weakness 62 (47.7) 554 (62.2) 0.7 Sensory symptoms 41 (31.5) 267 (29.9) 1.0 Gait imbalance 24 (18.5) 231 (25.9) 0.08 Mimic n (%) Peripheral vestibular disorder 36 (27.4) Psychogenic 32 (24.4) Unspecified 14 (10.6) Seizure 12 (9.2) Migraine 12 (9.2) Metabolic/drugs 12 (9.2) Musculoskeletal 4 (3.1) Space occupying lesion 4 (3.1) Peripheral vascular disease 2 (1.5) Demyelination 2 (1.5) Syncope 1 (0.8) Outcome Mimics
(N=932)P-value In-hospital mortality 3 (2.3) 27 (2.9) 1.0 Dependency at discharge* 17 (15.7) 339 (39.8) <0.0001 Length of stay, median (IQR) 2 (2) 5 (11) <0.0001 NIHSS - national Institutes of health stroke scale, IQR - interquartile range, *Defined as modified Rankin scale >2, **Scores on the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) range from 0 (normal function) to 42 (death), with higher scores indicating a greater deficit - Table 4
Predictors of mimics among suspected strokes (multivariate logistic regression analysis).
Independent variable Odds ratio 95%CI for OR P-value Lower Upper Age 0.9 0.95 0.98 0.0006 Female gender 1.62 1.02 2.58 0.04 Medical history: Ischemic heart disease 1.04 0.50 2.17 0.9 Arterial hypertension 0.37 0.23 0.61 < 0.0001 Diabetes mellitus 0.99 0.60 1.65 0.9 Dyslipidemia 1.34 0.82 2.19 0.2 Body Mass Index 1.00 0.97 1.03 0.8 History of smoking 0.49 0.23 1.04 0.06 NIHSS score at admission 0.81 0.75 0.87 < 0.0001 modified Rankin Scale (mRS) before stroke <2 3.15 1.65 6.00 0.0005 Sudden neurological symptoms: Speech and language 0.77 0.46 1.27 0.3 Motor weakness 0.94 0.60 1.50 0.8 Sensory symptoms 1.23 0.76 2.01 0.3 Gait imbalance 0.73 0.43 1.26 0.2 CI - confidence interval, NIHSS score - National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale scores range from 0 (normal function) to 42 (death)