Article Figures & Data
Characteristics n (%) Knowledge P-value (X2) Good Fair n (%) Poor Total sample 3456 (100.0) 300 (8.7) 746 (21.6) 2410 (69.7) Age 15-39 2477 (71.7) 241 (9.7) 520 (21.0) 1716 (69.3) 0.002 (17.367) 40-59 894 (25.9) 52 (5.8) 214 (23.9) 628 (70.2) 60 or older 85 (2.5) 7 (8.2) 12 (14.1) 66 (77.6) Gender Male 1508 (43.6) 167 (11.1) 327 (21.7) 1014 (67.2) <0.001 (20.055) Female 1948 (56.4) 133 (6.8) 419 (21.5) 1396 (71.7) Marital status Married 1444 (41.8) 92 (6.4) 325 (22.5) 1027 (71.1) <0.001 (16.899) Unmarried 2012 (58.2) 208 (10.3) 421 (20.9) 1383 (68.7) Nationality Saudi 3327 (96.3) 288 (8.7) 726 (21.8) 2313 (69.5) 0.231 (2.929) Not Saudi 129 (3.7) 12 (9.3) 20 (15.5) 97 (75.2) Education High school or lower 1063 (30.8) 53 (5.0) 230 (21.6) 780 (73.4) <0.001 (27.066) Bachelor or higher education 2393 (69.2) 247 (10.3) 516 (21.6) 1630 (68.1) Occupation Employed 1053 (30.5) 87 (8.3) 227 (21.6) 739 (70.2) <0.001 (26.615) Unemployed 711 (20.6) 32 (4.5) 148 (20.8) 531 (74.7) Student 1692 (49.0) 181 (10.7) 371 (21.9) 1140 (67.4) Income <5000 1942 (56.2) 158 (8.1) 399 (20.5) 1385 (71.3) 0.114 (7.449) 5000-10000 604 (17.5) 51 (8.4) 132 (21.9) 421 (69.7) >10000 910 (26.3) 91 (10.0) 215 (23.6) 604 (66.4) Smoking Absent 2919 (84.5) 236 (8.1) 642 (22.0) 2041 (69.9) 0.010 (9.222) Present 537 (15.5) 64 (11.9) 104 (19.4) 369 (68.7) Chronic disease Absent 2996 (86.7) 259 (8.6) 638 (21.3) 2099 (70.1) 0.533 (1.257) Present 460 (13.3) 41 (8.9) 108 (23.5) 311 (67.6) Definition and cause, risk factors, and symptoms Correct responses by gender Total correct responses P-value n (%) Stroke is a medical emergency M: 1276 (84.6) F: 1717 (88.1) 2993 (86.6) 0.003 Definition of stroke M: 1230 (81.6) F: 1717 (88.1) 2895 (83.8) 0.002 Type of strokes M: 344 (22.8) F: 427(21.9) 2600 (75.2) 0.532 The most common type of stroke is ischemic stroke M: 892 (59.2) F: 1212 (62.2) 2104 (60.9) 0.067 Diabetes is a risk factor for stroke M: 705 (46.8) F: 764 (39.2) 1469 (42.5) <0.001 Hypertension is a risk factor for stroke M: 1085 (71.9) F: 1420 (72.9) 2505 (72.5) 0.537 Hyperlipidemia is a risk factor for stroke M: 1028 (68.2) F: 1131 (58.1) 2159 (62.5) <0.001 Epilepsy is a risk factor for stroke M: 511 (33.9) F: 692 (35.5) 1203 (34.8) 0.316 Heart disease is a risk factor for stroke M: 829 (55.0) F: 1026 (52.7) 1855 (53.7) 0.178 Family history for stroke consider a risk factor for stroke M: 655 (43.4) F: 871 (44.7) 1526 (44.2) 0.453 Incidence of stroke increase at age 65 years and older M: 1085 (71.9) F: 1411 (72.4) 2496 (72.2) 0.753 Unhealthy lifestyle increase the incidence of stroke M: 1252 (83.0) F: 1667 (85.6) 2919 (84.5) 0.040 Hemi-paralysis M: 714 (47.3) F: 870 (44.7) 1584(45.8) 0.116 Weakness or numbness of one limb M: 701 (46.5) F: 859 (44.1) 1560 (45.1) 0.162 Weakness or numbness of the face M: 587 (38.9) F: 741 (38.0) 1328 (38.4) 0.595 Slurred speech M: 844 (56.0) F: 1142 (58.6) 1986 (57.5) 0.117 Severe headache M: 621 (41.2) F: 865 (44.4) 1486 (43) 0.058 Trouble seeing M: 540 (35.8) F: 801 (41.1) 1341 (38.8) 0.001 Imbalance M: 680 (45.1) F: 1019 (52.3) 1699 (49.2) <0.001 Confusion M: 639 (42.4) F: 941 (48.3) 1580 (45.7) 0.001 Dizziness M: 520 (34.5) F: 731 (37.5) 1251 (36.2) 0.065 Knowledge Responses by geder Total responses P-value Correct, n(%) Response when seeing a patient going through stroke M: 1336 (88.6) F: 1814 (93.1) 3150 (91.1) 0.033 Is there any current treatment for stroke? M: 616 (40.8) F: 818 (42.0) 1434 (41.5) 0.499 Early medical intervention will prevent severe disability following stroke M: 1283 (85.1) F: 1744 (89.5) 3027(87.6) <0.001 A fully recovery from stroke is possible M: 747 (49.5) F: 854(43.8) 1601(46.3) 0.002 Is stroke a preventable disease? M: 692 (45.9) F: 780 (40.0) 1472 (42.6) 0.001 Stroke could be prevented by controlling blood pressure M: 533 (35.3) F: 643 (33.0) 1176(34) 0.150 Stroke could be prevented by controlling blood sugar M: 461 (30.6) F: 503 (25.8) 964(27.9) 0.002 Stroke could be prevented by controlling blood cholesterol M: 510 (33.8) F: 561 (28.8) 1071(31) 0.001 Stroke could be prevented by quitting smoking M: 520 (34.5) F: 584 (30.0) 1104(31.9) 0.005 Stroke could be prevented by doing regular exercise and eating healthy diet M: 573 (38.0) F: 648 (33.3) 1221(35.3) 0.004 Stroke could be prevented by controlling using of blood thinner M: 411 (27.3) F: 441 (22.6) 852(24.7) 0.002