Article Figures & Data
Bipolar disorder Mean±SD Age 41.27±11.61 Age of onset 25.47±8.70 Duration of disease 15.93±10.71 Number of hospital 3,68±4.56 Dep. Episode 1.55±2.51 Manic episode 4.48±4.96 Total episode 6.03±5.54 HAM-D 11.36±7.47 YMRS 7.95±8.72 CGI-S 5.01±0.90 CGI-I 2.07±0.84 SD - standard deviation, hospital - hospitalization, Dep - depressive, HAM-D - Hamilton depression rating scale, YMRS - Young mania rating scale, CGI-S - clinical global impression scale-severity, CGI-I - clinical global impression scale-improvement
- Table 2
- Comparison of genotype distributions of NOS3 intron 4 VNTR variants in BD patients with the control group.
Genotypes Bipolar disorder Healthy control OR 95% CI P-value NOS3 n=95 (%) n=95 (%) b/b 66 (69.5) 77 (81.1) 1.880* 0.958-3.687* .064* b/a 25 (26.3) 17 (17.9) 0.610* 0.304-1.223* .162* a/a 4 (4.2) 1 (1.1) 0.242* 0.027-2.207* .174* Allele b 157 (82.6) 171 (90) a 33 (17.4) 19 (10) 1.892* 1.033-3.463* .037* OR - odds ratio, CI - confidence interval,
↵* Pearson chi-square
- Table 3
- Comparison of NOS3 genotype and allele frequency distributions of rapid cycling BD patients with non-rapid cycling BD patients and the control groups.
Genotypes Rapid cycling yes Rapid cycling no OR 95% CI P-value NOS3 n=20 (%) n=75 (%) b/b 9 (45) 57 (76) 0.258* 0.092-0.722* .007* b/a 9 (45) 16 (21.3) 3.017* 1.067-8.534* .033* a/a 2 (10) 2 (2.7) 0.247& 0.032-1.871& .194& Allele b 27 (67.5) 130 (86.7) a 13 (32.5) 20 (13.3) 3.130* 1.389-7.049* .004* NOS3 Healthy control b/b 9 (45) 77 (81.1) 0.191* 0.069-0.530* .001* b/a 9 (45) 17 (17.9) 3.754& 1.347-10.466& .016& a/a 2 (10) 1 (1.1) 10.444& 0.899-121.379& .078& Allele b 27 (67.5) 171(90) a 13 (32.5) 19 (10) 0.231* 0.102-0.521* .000* OR - odds ratio, CI - confidence interval,
↵* Pearson chi-square &Fisher’s Exact Test
- Table 4
- Comparison of NOS3 genotype and allele frequency distributions of treatment resistant BD patients with treatment-responsive BD patients and the control groups.
Genotypes Treat. Res.
yesTreat. Res.
NoOR 95% CI P-value NOS3 n=25 (%) n=70 (%) b/b 12 (48) 54 (77.1) 3.656 1.396-9.575* .007* b/a 11 (44) 14 (20) 0.318* 0.119-0.850* .019* a/a 2 (8) 2 (2.9) 0.338& 0.045-2.540& .282& Allele b 35 (55.1) 122 (87.1) a 15 (44.9) 18 (12.9) 2.905* 1.330-6.346* .006* NOS3 Healthy control b/b 12 (48) 77 (81.1) 0.216* 0.085-0.551* .001* b/a 11 (44) 17 (17.9) 3.605* 1.397-9.304* .006* a/a 2 (8) 1 (1.1) 8.174& 0.710-94.097& .110& Allele b 35 (55.1) 171 (63.9) a 15 (44.9) 19 (36.1) 0.259* 0.120-0.559* .000* Treat - treatment; Res - resistance; OR - odds ratio; CI - confidence interval,
↵* Pearson chi-square&Fisher’s Exact Test
- Table 5
- Comparison of scale scores and clinical parameters regarding the NOS3 intron 4 genotype distributions of BD patients.
Scale Scores and Clinical Parameters (b/b) (n= 66) (b/a, a/a) (n=29) *P-value Median (min-max) Mean±SD Median (min-max) Mean±SD HAM-D score 9(0-31) 11.39 ±6.96 9(0-34) 11.31±8.67 .771 YMRS score 6(0-37) 7.48±8.08 1(0-35) 9.03±10.10 .575 CGI-S score 5(2-7) 4.96±0.91 5(3-6) 5.10±0.90 .297 CGI-I score 2(1-4) 1.96±0.82 2(1-4) 2.37±0.94 .037 Dep. episode 0(0-12) 1.63±2.65 0(0-9) 1.37±2.19 .604 Manic episode 2.5(0-21) 3.69±3.54 2(1-25) 6.27±6.98 .388 Total episode 4(1-23) 5.31±4.63 4(1-27) 7.65±7.03 .311 Age of onset 23.5(10-52) 25.89±9.34 24(13-44) 24.51±7.06 .647 Duration of disease 13.5(0.5-40) 14.25±9.01 18(1-40) 19.75±13.22 .081 Number of hospt. 2(0-18) 2.75±3.10 2(0-21) 5.79±6.39 .040 SD - standard deviation, min - minimum, max - maximum, CGI-S - clinical global impression scale-severity, CGI-I - clinical global impression scale-improvement, HAM-D - Hamilton depression rating scale, YMRS - Young mania rating scale, dep - depressive, hospt - hospitalization
↵* Mann Whitney U test,